'use strict'; var events = require('events'); var util = require('util'); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var Q = require('q'); var endOfLine = require('os').EOL; var S = require('string'); var os = require('os'); var path = require('path'); var utilities = require('./utilities.js'); var Engine = function (engineFile) { this.engineFile = path.normalize(engineFile); }; util.inherits(Engine, events.EventEmitter);

Public method runProcess

This function starts the engine process and returns a promise which is resolved or rejected later depending upon whether the process is running or not

Engine.prototype.runProcess = function () { var self = this; var deferred = Q.defer(); this.engineProcess = spawn(this.engineFile); var timer; this.engineProcess.once('error', function (error) { clearInterval(timer); deferred.reject(error); }); timer = setInterval(function () { if (utilities.isProcessRunning(self.engineProcess)) { clearInterval(timer); deferred.resolve(); } }, 100); return deferred.promise; };

Public method isReadyCommand

This function sends an isready command. It returns a promise which is resolved once the engine responds with readyok.

Engine.prototype.isReadyCommand = function () { var self = this; var deferred = Q.defer(); var pendingData = ""; var engineStdoutListener = function (data) { var lines = utilities.getLines(pendingData+data); pendingData = lines.incompleteLine ? lines.incompleteLine : ""; lines = lines.lines; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i] === 'readyok') { self.engineProcess.stdout.removeListener('data', engineStdoutListener); deferred.resolve(); } } }; this.engineProcess.stdout.on('data', engineStdoutListener); this.engineProcess.stdin.write('isready' + endOfLine); return deferred.promise; };

Public method uciCommand

This function sends a uci command to the engine. It returns a promise which is resolved once the engine responds with uciok.

Engine.prototype.uciCommand = function () { var self = this; var deferred = Q.defer(); var pendingData = ""; var options = []; var id = {}; var nameRegExp = /id name\s+(.+)/; var authorRegExp = /id author\s+(.+)/;

TODO:parse options

var engineStdoutListener = function (data) { var lines = utilities.getLines(pendingData+data); pendingData = lines.incompleteLine ? lines.incompleteLine : ""; lines = lines.lines; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (lines[i] === 'uciok') { self.engineProcess.stdout.removeListener('data', engineStdoutListener); deferred.resolve( {id: id, options: options} ); } else { var stringifiedLine = S(lines[i]); if (stringifiedLine.startsWith('option')) { options.push(lines[i]); } else if (stringifiedLine.startsWith('id')) { var result = nameRegExp.exec(lines[i]); if (result) { = result[1]; } result = authorRegExp.exec(lines[i]); if (result) { = result[1]; } } } } }; this.engineProcess.stdout.on('data', engineStdoutListener); this.engineProcess.stdin.write('uci' + endOfLine); return deferred.promise; };

Commands without any output

Not all commands produce an output. Two examples are the position and the ucinewgame commands. For such commands how do you know if the engine is working on your command or has an infinite loop and is hung forever? You don't. As a workaround these commands send an isready command at the end which fortunately produces the readyok output.

Public method setOptionCommand

This function sends a setoption name NAME value VALUE command to the engine and returns a promise. After this command it also sends a isready command and the promise is resolved when the engine produces the readyok string.


  • optionName must be a String.
    (The name of the option)

  • optionValue must be a String.
    (The value of the option)

Engine.prototype.setOptionCommand = function (optionName, optionValue) {

TODO:parse options from uci command and if option type is button, call the setoption on if optionValue is true

var command = 'setoption name ' + optionName + (optionValue? (' value ' + optionValue) : '') + endOfLine; this.engineProcess.stdin.write(command); return this.isReadyCommand(); };

Public method uciNewGameCommand

This function sends a ucinewgame command to the engine and returns a promise. After this command it also sends a isready command and the promise is resolved when the engine produces the readyok string.

Engine.prototype.uciNewGameCommand = function () { this.engineProcess.stdin.write('ucinewgame' + endOfLine); return this.isReadyCommand(); };

Public method positionCommand

This function sends a position fen FenString command and returns a promise. After this command it also sends a isready command and the promise is resolved when the engine produces the readyok string.


  • fen must be a String.
    (The fen string of the position or the value startpos. startpos will set the starting position.)

  • moves must be a String.
    (The moves to play after the position with fen is set.)

Engine.prototype.positionCommand = function (fen, moves) { this.engineProcess.stdin.write('position '); if (fen === 'startpos') { this.engineProcess.stdin.write('startpos'); } else { this.engineProcess.stdin.write('fen ' + fen); } if (moves) { this.engineProcess.stdin.write(' moves ' + moves); } this.engineProcess.stdin.write(endOfLine); return this.isReadyCommand(); };

Public method timeLimitedGoCommand

This function sends a go wtime whiteTime btime blackTime command and returns a promise. The promise is resolved when the engine outputs a bestmove.


  • infoHandler must be a Function.
    (A callback taking a string. This will be called for each info line output by the engine.)

  • whiteMillisRemaining must be a Number.
    (The remaining time for white in milliseconds)

  • blackMillisRemaining must be a Number.
    (The remaining time for black in milliseconds)

Engine.prototype.timeLimitedGoCommand = function (infoHandler, whiteMillisRemaining, blackMillisRemaining) { var self = this; var deferred = Q.defer(); var pendingData = ""; var engineStdoutListener = function (data) { var lines = utilities.getLines(pendingData+data); pendingData = lines.incompleteLine ? lines.incompleteLine : ""; lines = lines.lines; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {

TODO:Parse info and bestmove

var stringifiedLine = S(lines[i]); if (stringifiedLine.startsWith('info') && infoHandler) { infoHandler('info', lines[i]); } else if (stringifiedLine.startsWith('bestmove')) { self.engineProcess.stdout.removeListener('data', engineStdoutListener); var moveRegex = /bestmove (.*?) /g; var match = moveRegex.exec(lines[i]); if (match) { deferred.resolve(utilities.convertToMoveObject(match[1])); } else { throw new Error('Invalid format of bestmove. Expected "bestmove <move>". Returned "' + lines[i] + '"'); } } } }; this.engineProcess.stdout.on('data', engineStdoutListener); var commandString = 'go wtime ' + whiteMillisRemaining + ' btime ' + blackMillisRemaining; this.engineProcess.stdin.write(commandString + endOfLine); return deferred.promise; };

Public method goCommand

This function sends the go command and returns a promise. After this command it also sends a isready command and the promise is resolved when the engine produces the readyok string.


  • commands must be an Object.
    (Key-value pairs of commands that can follow the main go command (e.g. searchmoves, infinite, etc.).)

  • infoHandler must be a Function.
    (A callback taking a string. This will be called for each info line output by the engine.)

Engine.prototype.goCommand = function (commands, infoHandler) { var pendingData = ""; var engineStdoutListener = function (data) { var lines = utilities.getLines(pendingData+data); pendingData = lines.incompleteLine ? lines.incompleteLine : ""; lines = lines.lines; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {

TODO:Parse info and bestmove

var stringifiedLine = S(lines[i]); if (stringifiedLine.startsWith('info') && infoHandler) { infoHandler(lines[i]); } } };

create input command

var inputCommand = 'go'; if (commands === null) { inputCommand += endOfLine; } else { for (var command in commands) { if (commands.hasOwnProperty(command)) { inputCommand += ' ' + command; var value = commands[command];

e.g. { 'infinite': null, ... }

if (value !== null && value !== '') { inputCommand += ' ' + value; } } } inputCommand += endOfLine; } this.goInfiniteListener = engineStdoutListener; this.engineProcess.stdout.on('data', engineStdoutListener); this.engineProcess.stdin.write(inputCommand); return this.isReadyCommand(); };

Public method goInfiniteCommand

This function sends the go infinite command and returns a promise. After this command it also sends a isready command and the promise is resolved when the engine produces the readyok string.


  • infoHandler must be a Function.
    (A callback taking a string. This will be called for each info line output by the engine.)
Engine.prototype.goInfiniteCommand = function (infoHandler) { var pendingData = ""; var engineStdoutListener = function (data) { var lines = utilities.getLines(pendingData+data); pendingData = lines.incompleteLine ? lines.incompleteLine : ""; lines = lines.lines; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {

TODO:Parse info and bestmove

var stringifiedLine = S(lines[i]); if (stringifiedLine.startsWith('info') && infoHandler) { infoHandler(lines[i]); } } }; this.goInfiniteListener = engineStdoutListener; this.engineProcess.stdout.on('data', engineStdoutListener); this.engineProcess.stdin.write('go infinite' + endOfLine); return this.isReadyCommand(); };

Public method stopCommand

This function sends the stop command and returns a promise. The promise is resolved when the engine outputs a bestmove.

Engine.prototype.stopCommand = function () { var self = this; var deferred = Q.defer(); var pendingData = ""; var engineStdoutListener = function (data) { var lines = utilities.getLines(pendingData+data); pendingData = lines.incompleteLine ? lines.incompleteLine : ""; lines = lines.lines; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {

TODO:Parse info and bestmove

var stringifiedLine = S(lines[i]); if (stringifiedLine.startsWith('bestmove')) { if (self.goInfiniteListener) { self.engineProcess.stdout.removeListener('data', self.goInfiniteListener); } self.engineProcess.stdout.removeListener('data', engineStdoutListener); var moveRegex = /bestmove (.*?) /g; var match = moveRegex.exec(lines[i]); if (match) { deferred.resolve(utilities.convertToMoveObject(match[1])); } else { throw new Error('Invalid format of bestmove. Expected "bestmove <move>". Returned "' + lines[i] + '"'); } } } }; this.engineProcess.stdout.on('data', engineStdoutListener); this.engineProcess.stdin.write('stop' + endOfLine); return deferred.promise; };

Public method quitCommand

This function sends a quit command. It returns a promise which is resolved once the engine process is terminated.

Engine.prototype.quitCommand = function () { var self = this; var deferred = Q.defer(); var processCloseListener = function (code, signal) { self.engineProcess.removeListener('close', processCloseListener); deferred.resolve('Engine with process id ' + + ' shutdown successfully'); }; this.engineProcess.on('close', processCloseListener); this.engineProcess.stdin.write('quit' + endOfLine); return deferred.promise; }; module.exports = Engine;